Sunday, March 6, 2011


Sometimes life isnt goes perfectly..
sometimes we might happy
sometimes we might sad
sometimes we might cry.
All things happend for a reason.

When we wake up in the morning ,
no one can set you up to be happy or unhappy ,
only your self can set you to be what do you want to be.
If you set you're happy then your day will goes happy ,
even you got a bad news in that day ,
just think postive , and you mind will be free and although you have proposition,
you will never feel it.
because think postive will make ur mind free
and automaticly ur body will set up to be happy.

I believe in everthings happend for a reason ,
maybe today u drop the leftovers of ur memory on the very far places,
maybe today ur close ur heart door for losing someone you really care,
sometimes things happend to us seem painful , horrible , unfair .
but in reflection you realize that without overcoming those obstacles you would never have realize how is your potential and strength is .

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